Banner Ad: ABC Toys*
Objective: This was an assignment for a copywriting class. The objective was to create an online banner ad for ABC Toys, a (fictional) store that sells educational toys for babies and children. The ad needed to consist of three rotating frames and be aimed at parents age 25–35 with children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years. These parents are very focused on making sure their children get every opportunity to develop their minds. The ad needed to inspire these parents to visit the ABC Toys website.
Solution: I worked with a designer to create this ad, which first hooks the reader with a fun image and text conveying the educational benefits of shopping at the store, then provides a direct link to the website on the final frame. My ad appeals to parents who are concerned with their child’s education and intellectual development.
Designed by Christina Martins
*Spec Ad: a fictional ad created for demonstration purposes only